Description: This manga series follows the adventures of Fukumaru, a cat-loving character, and his human companion. Written and illustrated by Umi Sakurai, this softcover graphic novel is a must-have for fans of the genre. The series title is "A Man & His Cat" and it is published by Square Enix. The manga is written in English and has been published in 2020. It is a collectible item and falls under the category of single volumes. The series is a traditional manga and is perfect for fans of the genre. The item is manufactured in the United States and is a great addition to any comic book and memorabilia collection.
Price: 25.5 USD
Location: Salem, New Hampshire
End Time: 2025-01-09T18:25:17.000Z
Shipping Cost: 10 USD
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Item Specifics
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Publication Year: 2020
Artist/Writer: Umi Sakurai
Type: Graphic Novel
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Character: fukumaru
Tradition: Manga
Series Title: A Man & His Cat
Publisher: Square Enix
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States